Hi all
I've just (well a week ago) landed back from a wonderful time in the island of Barbados.
The sun, sea, beaches and people I shared the 7 nights with were amazing!
A friend of mine invited me to his wedding when he got engaged last year and it was certainly a YES without hesitation that I would attend.
I was so blessed by my time away that it inspired me to write the following points about ensuring that we have the right people around us...
1.Like attracts like
We always inspire one another to be happy, keep positive, surround ourselves with good people and look for the best in every situation - believe you me living out all of the above definitely pays off! There's proof in the pudding ;-)
The newly-weds are a wonderful couple who are so in love, with a union which is centred around God and a great circle of family and friends. There was such a sense of joy, love and peace throughout all of the proceedings.
I congratulated my friend and his new wife for putting on the best wedding I have ever been to, and he replied that it was 'us' the guests that made the day what it was, to which i replied "we are a reflection of who you both are as people". I could see that he silently agreed.
2. Negativity can bring you down
My Mama used to say "show me who you are friends are and I'll tell you who you are" or "lie with dawg and pick up wid flea". Using those phrases as a basis I can definitely say that the newly weds are two amazingly wonderful people (after all I'm amazing and I'm their friend lol). There was no negativity around at all and as a result the holiday was fun fun fun. On a serious note though, negative people can bring you down - you whinge and moan about them but really you just need to get rid of them... no sorry what I meant to write is that you may need to pull them up on their negativity and deal with the situation. I often find that being open, honest and most of all positive to loved ones (family and friends) always works out for the greater good.
3. Be the inspiration
Maybe you need to be the inspiration. Going back to the couple.. they were so happy and enthusiastic about all of the proceedings that we all felt we had no choice but to join in with their happiness. Just like negativity, happiness can also rub off on other people. So smile and love the people around you, always speak positive and encouraging words into their life and hopefully the same will come back to you.
That's all from me peeps - still jetlagged "yawn"
Catch you in a few.
N x
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